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Shankar Shambhu (1976) |
Shankar Shambhu 1976 HD
Dated Released : 1976-10-06
Quality : BluRay | 0 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Feroz Khan, Vinod Khanna, Sulakshana Pandit, Bindu
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama
Overview : Inspector Ranjit Singh lives a middle-classed lifestyle along with his wife, Laxmi, a son, Pappu, and daughter, Pinky. When the National Bank is broken into one night, he gives chase to the robbers, and shoots one of them dead. The dead robber's brother, Kundan, manages to get away with the loot, then tracks down Ranjit and his family, shoots at them, forcing their jeep to fall into the Narbada river, separating the entire family. Ranjit manages to rescue Laxmi, and then apprehends Kundan, has him tried in Court, and sentenced to jail for several years, but is unable to recover the stolen loot. Years later, Kundan gets discharged and is received by his nephew, Chaman. Ranjit is now the Inspector General of Police, and Laxmi still hopes to be reunited with her children. Pappu has been adopted by a bandit named Lakhan Singh, who re-names him Shambhu, and brings him up with his other son, Shankar.
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