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Underground and Emigrants 1976

Underground and Emigrants (1976)

Underground and Emigrants 1976 HD
Dated Released : 1976-10-25
Quality : BluRay | 89 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Fernando Arrabal, Lee Breuer, William S. Burroughs, Divine
Genre : Documentary
Overview : In this film, outspokenly homosexual filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim has documented his encounters with friends in the New York "underground" arts movement, the better-known of whom are William Burroughs (who says nothing for the camera), Andy Warhol (seen in the distance) and Fernando Arrabal (who is interviewed in Spanish). The emigrants named in the title are notable Germans who left the country before World War II, such as Greta Keller and Grete Mosheim. Reviewers at the time of the film's release considered it to have been a sort of paid vacation for the filmmaker rather than a serious effort. (Clarke Fountain, Rovi)

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