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8 Strikes of the Wildcat (1976) |
8 Strikes of the Wildcat 1976 HD
Dated Released : 1976-01-01
Quality : BluRay | 86 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Dan Dan Chi, Tao Hung Li, Shao Chun Chang, Chin Hai Chen
Genre : Action, Comedy, Drama
Overview : Gofer, Mo and Pengolin, collectively known as the Three Rats, are looking for a two part treasure map and will kill anyone who gets in their way. A young girl named Shao Wa seeks to avenge the murder of her father. In order to defeat the Rats, she must learn the eight strikes of the Wild Cat from an old Kung Fu Master, while trying to evade his amorous assistant, Lee Ta Fa.
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