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Tall el Zaatar 1977

Tall el Zaatar (1977)

Tall el Zaatar 1977 HD
Dated Released : 1977-01-01
Quality : BluRay | 71 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : N/A
Genre : Documentary, Short
Overview : In the early summer of 1976, right-wing militias representing a coalition of ultra-nationalist and counter-revolutionary forces laid siege to the refugee camp of Tall al-Zaatar (“Hill of Thyme”) in Beirut. After holding out for months without food, water, or medical supplies, and under heavy artillery and sniper fire, the camp fell to the militias on 12 August. What followed was one of the worst atrocities of the civil war, with over 2,500 civilians massacred and the camp razed to the ground. Produced after the massacre, but featuring footage shot before and during the siege, Tall al-Zaatar remembers the camp and its community, recounting the long months of siege and resistance, and recalling the horrors of the massacre through the testimony of survivors.

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Tall el Zaatar Official Teaser Trailer #1 1977

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